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Serving The Guar Gum Needs Of The World


Guar Seed

The Guar (Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba), which belongs to the leguminous family is a vertical - stalked plant from 3 to 6 feet high, with large leaved and clusters of bean - like pods each containing from six to nine pea shaped seeds. The plant is extremely drought - resistant, beaing able to absorb efficiently all ground water. It grows therefore easily in those semi-arid regions where less hardy crops perish. Guar is a yearly summer legume and it is found in India especially in Rajasthan. It is definitely a soil improving crop of high resistance to insects and diseases. Guar requires warm weather and a relatively long growing season of 20-25 weeks. The crop is harvested in during the winter. Guar Gum is natural high molecular weight hydro colloidal polysaccharide composed of galactose and mannose combined through glycosidic linkages, which may be described chemically as galactomannan. Guar Gum is easily soluble in Cold and Hot water (in colloidal from only)

Seed Part Protein (n x 6.25) Ether Extract Ash Moisture Crude Fibre
% % % % %
Hull (14-17%) 5 03 4 10 36.0
Endosperm 5 0.6 1.0 10 1.5
Germ (43-47%) 55.3 5.2 0.6 10 18.0

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